On Monday the 11th of February the city of Leduc approved the east side of Leduc area structure plan. The lot of land consists of south of 65th street to Rollyview road then east to what will be the Nisku Spine Road, which will run north/south all the way to 41ave in the south of Edmonton. As this is only the first stage of the developmental process, it just sets the intention of the lands. When I read the ASP it looks to be a mixture of industrial and commercial.
They are looking to market the area for 2 industries in particular:
- Logistics and distribution
- Agrifoods
With logistics and distribution they are again using leverage and the marketing that Global Edmonton is looking to do for our city and promote the closeness to the airport and all the easy logistics that we have here. Especially when the Nisku Spine Road gets developed as far south as rollyview it will help alleviate the traffic off of Highway 2.
With the agrifoods they are trying to leverage but they are looking to leverage the food processing plant and promote agrifoods as well. Right now companies are testing their products here and then going to back to package and distribute wherever they are located. One of the things that they are trying to do is promote and market for them to set up here, so they can test, package and distribute all in one area. Making it easier as then they won’t have to move their employees all around, which I am sure the families of all the employees who come to test would appreciate.
I think that it is such smart leverage to utilize our land with these areas of business. Years ago I did a report on Leduc and it talked logistics and transportation plans and they are taking effect now and we are growing and expanding on them. It is exciting to see all of this happening. With jobs comes people, creating a rental shortage. Which will create an increase in rents and then an increase in property prices. And it all starts with intention. Very proud to call Leduc home.